Plum Cheesecake Pie Bars


Plum cheesecake pie bars will be your new favorite dessert. The lovely tart flavor of the fruit and the creamy cheesecake filling is a perfect  flavor blend.  Puff pastry makes it quick and easy to prepare.

1 Puff Pastry sheet

8 oz cream cheese

½ cup sugar

1 egg

1 tsp vanilla

½ lemon, zested & juiced

3 plums, sliced

Preheat oven to 350* Cut puff pastry into 9” square and place in an 8” square pan with pastry going up the sides a bit.  Beat cream cheese, sugar, egg, vanilla and lemon zest and juice until well blended, pour over the puff pastry. Pit and slice the plums and place on top of the cheesecake layer. Bake for 30 minutes.


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