Ricotta Plum Cake

Prep Time: 15 mins | Cook Time: 65 mins | Course: Dessert | Serves: 12 

Ricotta cheese and plums take this delicious tender crumbed cake to the next level. The texture is light and moist with a chewy tart plum-infused crust edge. Top with sliced almonds or pumpkin seeds and a scattering of sugar for a crusty fruit top. Leftovers for breakfast is a must! Inspired by Sue Moran at The View From Great Island https://theviewfromgreatisland.com/ricotta-plum-cake/#wprm-recipe-container-128378 

3 eggs

2 cups sugar + more for topping

1 tsp almond extract

1 tsp vanilla

¼ tsp salt

1 cup ricotta cheese

2 cups flour

½ tsp baking powder

7 plums, sliced (or amount needed to cover the top of the cake)

2 Tbsp sliced almonds or pumpkin seeds

Powdered sugar for dusting

Preheat oven to 350*. Spray oil a 9” springform pan and dust with cinnamon sugar, set to one side. Beat eggs and sugar for 1-2 minutes in a stand mixer. Add in the extracts, salt, and ricotta cheese, and mix until well blended. Sift flour, and baking powder over the batter. Fold in with a rubber scraper until just incorporated. Scrape batter evenly into the prepared springform pan and top with sliced plums in a circular pattern to cover the top of the cake. Top with nuts or pumpkin seeds and bake for 60-70 minutes or until a toothpick tester comes out clean. My favorite way to check for doneness is with an insta-thermometer, it should read a minimum of 200* for cake. Allow to cool then release from the springform pan. Dust with powdered sugar just before serving if desired.


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