Baby Medley Potatoes with Cream Cheese Caper Sauce

These tender baby potatoes (red, gold or multi colored) are enrobed with a rich cream cheese, caper and herb sauce that is incredibly flavorful and creamy. I’ve added cream cheese and multi-colored baby potatoes. Inspired by Allrecipes contributor michellej

24 oz baby medley potatoes, boiled till tender

½ cup butter, melted

4 oz cream cheese

½ cup parmesan, shredded

3 green onions chopped

1 Tbsp. red wine vinegar

1 Tbsp. parsley

½ tsp. oregano

1 Tbsp. capers

Garlic salt & pepper, to taste

Boil potatoes until tender and drain, cut larger ones in half. Mix together butter, cream cheese, parmesan, green onions, vinegar, parsley, oregano, capers and seasoning. Pour over hot potatoes and mix in before serving. 


Fried Chicken


Halibut with a Tomato Kalamata Relish