Skirt Steak Stir Fry

Prep Time: 20 mins | Cook Time: 12 mins | Course: Dinner | Serves:

Delicious steak and hearty veggie stir fry with udon noodles. This flavorful one-dish meal is quick to make and healthy. Make sure you have all of your ingredients prepped and ready to go as this recipe comes together quickly.

2 Tbsp olive oil 

1 red onion, sliced

2 cups skirt or flank steak, cut into strips 

2 pkgs udon noodles, seasoning packet optional 

2 cups broccoli, cut into florets 

8 oz cremini mushrooms, sliced 

5 cloves garlic, minced 

Salt and pepper, to taste 

Garlic salt, to taste 

1 Tbsp soy sauce

1 Tbsp sesame oil 

½ lemon, juiced 

4 Green onions, sliced 

3 tomatoes, cut into 6 wedges each 

1 Tbsp sesame seeds 

Garlic chili crisp, optional for serving 

In a large skillet, stir the onion in the olive oil until it is translucent, add in the steak strips, and udon noodles stirring to break the noodles apart for a couple of minutes. Add broccoli, mushrooms, garlic,  salt, pepper, garlic salt, soy sauce, sesame oil, and lemon juice. Cover with a lid for 4 minutes, then remove the lid and stir. Top with green onions, tomato wedges, and sesame seeds. Cover with the lid and cook for 2-3 minutes longer until tomatoes are warmed through. Plate and have diners top with chili crisp as desired at the table.


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