Apple Pie Pancakes


Prep Time: 10 mins  | Cook Time:  18 min | Course: Breakfast | Servings: 6

This delicious apple spice oven lovin pancake is quick and easy to prepare for friends and family. Drizzle heavy cream and maple syrup on top just before serving. Adapted (barely) from The Big Book of Breakfast by Maryana Vollstedt.

3 Tbsp butter

3 Tbsp sugar

1 tsp cinnamon

1 tsp apple pie spice of pumpkin pie spice

2 apples, cored and diced

3 eggs

½ cup flour

1 tsp baking powder

¼ tsp salt

½ cup milk

Heavy cream and maple syrup for topping

Preheat oven to 400*. In a heat proof skillet or cast iron skillet cook the butter, sugar, spices and apples over medium heat until aromatic and al dente, about 5 minutes. Mix in a blender the eggs, flour, baking powder, salt and milk in that order. Blend until incorporated. Pour over apples and bake for 18 minutes. Remove from the oven and let cool for 5 minutes. Cut into wedges and pour a bit of heavy cream and maple syrup on top. A mixing bowl and whisk can be submitted for the blender if needed.


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