Cherry Monkey Puff Tarts

Prep Time: 10 mins | Cook Time: 25 mins | Course: Breakfast | Yield: 6-12

Ever have puff pastry scraps? Here’s a monkey puff cherry tart that makes a perfect even if scrappy breakfast. Yield is a guesstimate of how many scrap pieces you have. Prepare how many muffin-tin wells you think you’ll use, then spray oil and cinnamon sugar more as needed.

16 oz frozen cherries 

¼ cup sugar 

3 Tbsp cornstarch 

1 tsp cinnamon 

1 tsp vanilla

Puff pastry scraps, cut into bits n pieces (about 1 cup, or whatever you have)

Preheat oven to 425* Spray oil and sprinkle cinnamon sugar in some muffin tin wells. Stir cherries, sugar, cornstarch, and cinnamon together, and microwave for about 6 minutes, stopping and stirring a couple of times during the process. 

Place rough-cut bits of puff pastry on the bottom and sides of the prepared muffin tin like a crazy patch quilt, don’t try to cover all of the muffin tin surface. Spoon cherries on top and place a piece of puff on top. Bake for 20-25 minutes until the pastry is golden brown and the cherry filling is bubbly and thickened.


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