Strawberry Cream Spiral Rolls

Prep Time: 30 mins + rising time | Cook Time: 20 mins | Course: Breakfast | Servings: 12

 Strawberries and sweet cream create a sauce for these lovely strawberry-filled rolls as they bake. They are tender and moist, a perfect roll for a special brunch or for a weekend breakfast. These promise to be very messy and gooey. Stoneware tends to create the moistest products. I have a stoneware 9x13 dish that I use for breakfast rolls.   


1 cup milk

½ cup sugar

1 tsp. salt

¼ cup butter, melted

2 eggs

1 Tbsp yeast

4 ½ cup flour, more as needed

Strawberry Filling:

2 cups strawberries

1/2 cup sugar

2 Tbsp cornstarch

2 lemons, zest & juice 

¼ cup butter, softened

Strawberry Cream:

¼ cup butter, melted

½ cup heavy cream + ¼ for topping with

¼ cup sugar

¾ cup strawberry puree

Scald milk in the microwave, for one minute. Pour into your mixing bowl and add the sugar, salt, and butter. Cool until the mixture is lukewarm. Add eggs, yeast, and flour.  Knead for about 2-4 minutes in an electric mixer, longer if by hand. Cover bowl with plastic wrap and allow the dough to rise (in a warm place) until doubled in size, about an hour. 

Meanwhile, make your filling. Wash and hull the strawberries, mix sugar, cornstarch, lemon zest, and juice with the berries in a blender. Puree until smooth, pour into a microwavable quart glass measurer\ or bowl, and cook for 2-3 minutes or until thickened nicely. Allow to cool and let the butter soften on the counter while the rolls rise.

In a 9x13 dish, add melted butter, ½ cup heavy cream, sugar, and about ¾ cup of the strawberry puree. Roll dough out into a large rectangle on a rolling surface (I like to use a silpat) lightly dusted with flour.  Spread the dough with ¼ cup softened butter, then spread with a layer of strawberry puree (about 1/2 cup, you’ll have some puree left). Roll dough into a log lengthwise and slice into 12 lovely breakfast rolls (do not cut the silpat, if using). Place rolls in the dish on top of the strawberry cream sauce.  Pour an additional ¼ cup heavy cream over the top of the raised rolls along with any strawberry puree left, and cover with plastic wrap. Allow to rise till doubled, or place in the fridge and allow the yeast to work overnight.

Preheat oven to 375* when ready to bake. Bake for 20 minutes, try not to over-bake, you can shield with tin foil the last five minutes of baking. I like to test bread products for doneness. An insta-thermometer should register between 190-200*.


Strawberry Oat Crumb Bars


Apricot Bars