Creme Au Chocolat


Prep Time: 10 mins  | Cook Time: 5 mins | Course: Dessert | Yield: 5 

Dark decadent chocolate custard cups come together quickly and with just the right amount of coffee kick. Whisk a cup of whipped cream (after it’s cooled) into it if you're feeling like a more airy choco-latte mousse dessert. 

1 ½ cups milk

1 Tbsp instant coffee powder

2 eggs

¼ cup sugar

1 Tbsp cornstarch

5 oz bittersweet chocolate chips

1 Tbsp toasted almond slices or 

butter cookies for garnish

Scald the milk and coffee powder over medium heat until it just forms bubbles at the edges. Whisk eggs, sugar and cornstarch together in a medium glass measurer. Add a ladle full of hot milk into the egg mixture while whisking to temper the eggs. Continue to add ladles of hot milk until about half of the milk has been added. Whisk back into the pot and cook stirring with a wooden spoon until thickened. Take off the heat and whisk in the chocolate chips. Stir until smooth. Ladle into 4 oz ramekins or tea cups and add toasted almonds or butter cookies to garnish. 

I’ve also cooled and folded 1 cup cream whipped to medium peaks into the mixture before spooning into a serving dish or glass.


Grasshopper Pie Cupcakes


Chocolate Mousse Cake