Fresh Strawberry Pie with a Cheesecake Whipped Cream

Prep Time: 25 mins | Cook Time: 20 minutes | Course: Dessert | Servings:

Summer fresh strawberries with a creamy cheese and citrusy whipped cream topping. Summer never tasted so good! Inspired by the Silver Palate Girls in their The New Basics Cookbook.

1-pint strawberries, hulled and halved

2 Tbsp lemon curd, store bought or recipe linked below

4 oz cream cheese, softened

¼ cup brown sugar

1 tsp vanilla

1 Tbsp grand marnier liqueur, optional

1 cup heavy cream

Mix cut strawberries with the lemon curd and place them in a pre-cooked pastry shell.  Whip cream cheese, sugar, vanilla and orange-flavored liqueur, if using, in a stand mixer. When fluffy, add in the heavy cream and whip until light and fluffy peaks form when the beater is raised. Spread generously over the berries.

Perfect Pastry: (makes two pastry shells) 

2 ½ cups flour

½ tsp salt

¼ tsp baking powder

2 sticks butter, cut into tablespoons

1 Tbsp apple cider vinegar

8 Tbsp cold water

In a food processor with the metal blade, add the flour, salt and baking powder. Pulse once to mix. Top with the tablespoon size slices of butter and pulse until the mixture is roughly mixed together and the butter bits are about the size of a pea. You’ll want to do most of the mixing before adding liquid to keep the dough tender. Add the vinegar and water in and quick pulse about 16 times to incorporate. Spread two sheets of plastic wrap on the counter and divide the dough between them. Wrap and flatten the discs and chill them in the fridge for at least 30 minutes, longer is fine up to 2 days. 

Preheat oven to 425*. Using a sheet of waxed paper or parchment, mist your rolling surface with a dusting of flour. Place chilled pastry on top, dust the top with flour and roll out an inch or so larger than your pie plate (if pastry is really cold it may need to warm up a bit before it rolls easily). When rolled out use your rolling pin to help fold the dough over the pie plate. Press in and crimp dough edges decoratively, prick the shell multiple times with a fork and chill another 30 minutes. Bake the pie shell for 15-20 minutes. The pastry will be a beautiful light browned color when done. Let cool before filling.


Strawberry Truffle Angel Pie


Whole Lemon and Plum Compote