Whole Lemon and Plum Compote

Prep Time: 5 mins | Cook Time: 10 min | Course: Dinner | Yield: 3 cups

Purple plums and a whole lemon puree to make an amazing lemon and cinnamon flavored compote. This is great as a dessert sauce or for a plum twist on a lemon vodka tonic.

5 plums, pitted and halved

½ cup water

½ cup brown sugar

1 cinnamon stick

1 lemon, sliced and seeded

Cook plums, water, brown sugar and cinnamon stick together for 10 minutes in a saucepan. Allow the plum mixture to cool. Slice lemon and remove seeds. Puree plums (I blended the cinnamon stick as well) and lemon slices in a blender until very smooth.


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