Muscat Strawberry Dream Cake

Prep Time: 30 mins | Cook Time: 45 mins | Course: Dessert | Serves: 18 

Peterson Vineyards Muscat wine marinated strawberries thickened and spread over a dreamy whipped cream and cream cheese layer on top of a tender crumbed vanilla cake…sooo good. Check out this delicious Muscat Blanc from Peterson Winery. Sip on some in the evening and add some to the strawberries and allow time for them to marinate overnight. Inspired by Anita Fowler at Live Like You Are Rich and by Sally McKenney of Sallys Baking Addiction for her amazing 9.13 White Cake 


Muscat strawberries:

¾ cup Peterson Muscat dessert wine

½ cup sugar

2 baskets strawberries, sliced

1 Tbsp cornstarch

Marinate the sliced berries overnight in the muscat wine and sugar in the refrigerator. When ready to use, stir in the cornstarch and cook the berries in a large skillet over medium heat for about 5 minutes until thickened and bubbling in the middle as well as the edges of the skillet. Allow strawberries to cool.

Vanilla Cake:

¾ cup butter, softened

1 ½ cups brown sugar

3 eggs

½ cup sour cream

1 Tbsp vanilla

2 ½ cups cake flour

2 tsp baking powder

½ tsp baking soda

1 tsp salt

1 cup milk

Preheat oven to 350*. Grease a 9.13 baking pan with butter or spray oil and set to one side. In a stand mixer, beat butter and brown sugar together until fluffy, about 3 minutes. Add eggs, and mix in one at a time. Add in the sour cream, and vanilla, mix, and scrape the batter down from the sides of the bowl. Sift the flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt over the batter. Pour milk over the flour mixture and mix just until the batter comes together. Scrape down the bowl and around the bottom by hand with a rubber scraper making certain the dough is lump free. Pour into the prepared baking pan and spread evenly. Bake for 35-40 minutes until a toothpick tester comes out clean or if using an insta-thermometer, it should read 205*. Allow the cake to cool.

Cream Cheese Layer:

8 oz cream cheese, softened

¾ cup sugar

½ cup sour cream

2 cups heavy cream

1 Tbsp vanilla

Beat cream cheese and sugar together in a stand mixer until fluffy. Add in the sour cream and heavy cream, and whip to medium peaks. Stir in the vanilla and spread over the (cooled) cake. Top with the strawberries and chill in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes or until ready to cut and serve.


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