Raspberry Chia Chocolates

Prep Time: 20 mins | Cook Time: 1 min | Course: Dessert | Serves:

Tart raspberry gems enrobed in dark chocolate. These have no added sugar and are thickened with energizing chia seeds. So inspired by Diane Morrisey, the cooking Queen of Instagram. https://www.instagram.com/p/Cn7lf1VJszC/?hl=en 

12 oz frozen raspberries

3 Tbsp chia seeds

9 oz bittersweet or dark chocolate chips

1 Tbsp coconut oil

Mix thawed raspberries and chia seeds together, stirring with a fork. Let sit for 15 minutes to thicken. Spoon small discs onto a parchment-covered plate and freeze. Microwave the chocolate and coconut oil for about 45 seconds stirring until smooth. Coat the frozen raspberry discs with the chocolate and place in the fridge until set.


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