Raspberry Lemonade Bars

Prep Time: 15 mins | Cook Time: 55 mins | Course: Dessert | Serves: 9

Buttery shortbread bars topped with a lively raspberry-lemonade custard. These bars are as beautiful as they are delectable. Only raspberries could improve on the practically perfect lemon bar. This recipe doubles nicely, if desired, to bake in a 9.13” baking pan, increase baking time by five minutes on both the shortbread and the raspberry topping. Inspired by Fiona Dowling of Just So Tasty https://www.justsotasty.com/lemon-raspberry-bars/#recipe and Morgan of Improv Kitchen http://www.theimprovkitchen.com/2012/05/some-foods-just-go-together.html 


1 cups flour

¼ cup powdered sugar

½ cup butter, cold and cut into tablespoons

Raspberry Lemonade Custard:

12-oz frozen raspberries

¾ cup sugar

⅓ cup cornstarch

⅛ tsp salt

2 lemons, zested

¾ cup lemon juice

3 eggs

1 Tbsp chambord or framboise liqueur, optional

Preheat oven to 350*. Layer flour, powdered sugar and butter pieces in a food processor. Pulse until powdery with bits of butter that are pea sized or smaller. Press into a parchment lined 8” or 9” square baking pan, compressing with a spoon. Bake for 20-25 minutes or until a pale golden color.

Measure raspberries, sugar, cornstarch, salt, lemon zest and juice, eggs and liqueur, if using, into a large blender or food processor. Puree until well mixed and seeds are small, or press mixture through a sieve if seeds are a problem. Pour over the partially baked shortbread crust. Bake for 35-45 minutes, the topping will be set around the edges with barely a jiggle in the middle. Cool at room temperature, then chill in the fridge for at least 2 hours.


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