Riesling Zabaglione with Raspberry Coulis

Prep Time: 30 mins | Cook Time: 15 mins | Course: Dessert | Serves:

Riesling zabaglione a light as-air custard lightened with whipped egg whites and finished with a pool of riesling raspberry coulis.  Inspired by James McNair’s Custards, Mousses, & Puddings Cookbook

6 eggs, separated 

½ cup sugar 

Salt, a pinch

½ cup Riesling wine 

Raspberry Coulis:

12 oz raspberries, thawed if frozen 

¼ cup sugar 

¼ cup Riesling wine

Mint leaves, for garnish 

Whip egg whites in a stand mixer to soft peaks, and set to one side. In a double boiler, with a handheld mixer, whip egg yolks with sugar, and salt for 3 minutes. Slowly drizzle in the wine while continuing to mix, whipping for 5-8 minutes longer; the mixture will be doubled in volume and hold a peak when the beaters are raised. Take the pan off the simmering water and allow the custard to cool. Gently fold in ⅓ of the egg whites with a rubber scraper, then fold in the remaining egg whites while being careful not to deflate the airy mixture. 

Whiz the raspberries in a blender, then press the mixture through a sieve to deseed. Whisk the puree with the sugar and riesling wine in a microwave-safe bowl. Microwave mixture for 2 minutes, then allow to cool. 

Scoop the custard into glasses, then spoon some raspberry coulis in the middle. It will pool to the bottom of the glass. Garnish with a mint leaf.


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