Buffalo Chicken Stuffed Shells

Prep Time: 20 mins | Cook Time: 20 mins | Course: Dinner | Serves: 6 

Jumbo shells stuffed with chicken, a blend of cheeses, and franks hot sauce. Liberally adapted and inspired by Adam and Joanne @ Inspired Taste https://www.inspiredtaste.net/10386/buffalo-chicken-stuffed-shells-recipe/  

18 jumbo shells (or approx ½ a 12 oz box)

1 Tbsp olive oil

2 cups chicken breast or thigh, cut small

1 onion, diced

3 cloves garlic, minced

½ tsp salt

½ tsp garlic salt

½ tsp pepper

⅓ cup franks sauce

¼ cup butter

½ cup cottage cheese or ricotta cheese

1 cup cheddar cheese, grated + more for topping

2 green onions, chopped

½ cup water

In a large skillet place shells in a single layer. Add water to barely cover, cook for about 10 minutes, then drain off the excess water and allow to cool. Saute chicken in the olive oil in another smaller skillet with the onion. Cook until the onion is soft and the chicken is cooked through about 5-7 minutes. Turn the heat off and add garlic, salt, garlic salt, pepper, franks sauce, butter, cottage cheese, and 1 cup of the cheddar cheese. Mix together and spoon into the shells. When the shells are all stuffed, top with a little extra cheese and the green onions. Add ½ cup of water to the skillet and top with a lid. Cook over medium heat for about 2 minutes or until the cheese is melted.


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