Mac n Cheese n Tots

Prep Time: 10 mins  | Cook Time: 45 mins  | Course: Dinner | Servings: 8


Mac n cheese gets kicked up a notch with tots. Emeril Lagasse is always inspiring and making food extra fun. Here I have adapted his recipe for Kicked Up Mac n Cheese to be what I imagined it would be before I read the recipe (I actually added the mac). Enjoy some good comfort food these cold wintry days. 

2 lb bag of frozen tater tots

2 cups macaroni pasta elbows

2 cups sharp cheddar cheese, grated and divided

2 cups white cheddar cheese, grated and divided

2 cups cottage cheese

2 cups sour cream

Preheat oven to 400*. In a single layer arrange the tots in a 9x13 pan, some of the tots may need to stand upright to fit. Cook the pasta according to package directions in a large pot and when cooked drain off the water. Add 1 ½ cups of each of the grated cheeses to the pot, stir in cottage cheese and sour cream and mix into the hot pasta. Spread an even layer over the top of the tots. Garnish with a lovely layer of the remaining cheeses. Bake for 40-45 minutes, the cheese crust will be a luscious golden brown and bubbly hot throughout.


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