Cranberry Salsa with Whipped Cream Cheese

Prep Time: 15 mins | Cook Time: 0 mins | Course: Small Bites | Serves: 8 

Tart cranberries, zesty lime and ginger marry well with jalapeno and onions; serve with whipped cream cheese (or if you prefer, leave in the block form and serve with hearty crackers). Cranberries can be salsa too! This recipe comes together quickly with a food processor. Inspired by The Kitchn 

8 oz cream cheese, softened (and optionally whipped)

12 oz cranberries 

½ cup sugar 

1 jalapeno, cut into 4 pieces 

3 green onions, chopped 

½ cup cilantro, chopped 

1 Tbsp fresh ginger, grated

2 limes, zested and juiced 

1 baguette, sliced

Assorted crackers

 Whip the softened cream cheese until fluffy with a mixer and spoon onto a serving platter. Layer cranberries, sugar, jalapeno slices, green onions, cilantro, ginger, lime zest, and juice. Pulse until roughly chopped. Spoon some of the salsa over the whipped cream cheese, spoon the rest into a ramekin, and set next to the platter. Serve with assorted crackers and baguette slices.


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