Artichokes with Lemon Mayonnaise


There is nothing better than a giant beautiful artichoke.  I could eat one for dinner and be very satisfied.  We serve ours with a tangy lemon mayonnaise sauce.  I cook mine for a full hour so that they are tender and you can get the full bite nature intended.

4 large artichokes

1 Tbsp. balsamic oil

Look for large bulbous artichokes where the leaves are tight together.  Snip each leaf tip off with scissors  and trim stem ends off with a large chef's knife as well as the top third tips. Rinse well.  Place in a stock pot and cover with water.   Add the Tbsp. of balsamic vinegar and bring to a boil.  The balsamic adds something special that I can't describe; but miss when it’s not used.  Turn down the heat and partially cover with a lid after it comes to a boil.  Set a timer and simmer for 1 hour for a fabulous tender artichoke. 

Lemon Mayonnaise

1\2 cup mayonnaise, (I like Best Foods) 

The juice of 1 lemon

Mix together, sauce will be a bit thin and very lemony.  I think mayonnaise brands are very important...rumor has it that the Costco mayo is Best Foods; I’ve tried it and can’t tell a difference.  


Cheesy Irish Potatoes


Blackberry and Baby Greens with Aunt Connie's Honey Mustard Dressing