Cream Cheese Mashed Potatoes

Prep Time: 15 mins  | Cook Time:  10 min | Course: Dinner | Servings: 8

Mashed potatoes with butter and cream cheese are reason enough to give thanks, not just at Thanksgiving but all the year through. This recipe has graced our table for many years and comes from a family friend...remembering Freda fondly. 

7 XL potatoes (14 if using smallish potatoes) about 6 lbs

8 oz cream cheese

½ cup butter

1+1 ½ tsp salt, divided

Peel and cut potatoes into 1-2 inch slices. Cover with water and boil till tender in a soup pot with 1 tsp salt over a medium-high heat. Put cream cheese, butter, and 1 tsp salt in a stand mixer and let soften to room temperature while the potatoes boil. When ready whip till fluffy and creamy or end sooner if you like small chunks. Taste seasoning and add up to ½ tsp more salt if needed (take into account how salty your gravy is if using). Potatoes are great with gravy or just butter and salt. 


You can peel, slice and cover potatoes in salted water the night before using. I often do this and then wait to boil my potatoes until everything else is nearly ready and whip in the mixer just before serving. Although the mixing bowl helps keep them hot, you can foil the top of the mixing bowl too to keep them warm. You can reheat leftovers in an ovenproof dish in the oven at 350 till warmed and a bit puffy.


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