Stone Fruit Burrata Caprese Toast

Prep Time: 15 mins | Cook Time: 4 mins | Course: Small Bites | Serves: 12 

Fresh peaches, cherries, heirloom tomatoes, avocado, basil, and burrata cheese are drizzled with olive oil and a peach, or other fruity balsamic vinegar. Serve with ciabatta or baguette slices toasted with olive oil. Happy Summer!!! Inspired by spoonabilites 

2 peaches (or nectarines), sliced

2 heirloom tomatoes, sliced

1 cup cherries, halved and pitted

1 avocado, diced

2 burrata balls, quartered

Flakey salt and ground pepper, to taste

Olive oil, a drizzle

Peach balsamic or fruit-flavored vinegar, a generous drizzle

Ciabatta bread, baguette, etc., sliced

Basil leaves, some left clustered, some sliced chiffonade style

Slice tomatoes and layer on a platter, place peach slices, cherries, and avocado chunks on top. Arrange burrata on top and drizzle olive oil over all; sprinkle with salt and pepper. Toast bread with some olive oil on a 400* griddle or in a skillet until golden brown. Place toast around the platter, add basil sprigs and chiffonade ribbons on top, and drizzle a generous amount of peach balsamic vinegar over all.


Blackberry Baked Brie 


Artichoke Hummus